
Friday, 12 December 2014

Cost-Effective Ways to Keep Your Skin Looking Great

Whether it’s beauty ads on the TV, full-page spreads in magazines, or word of mouth from friends, we’re constantly being told that in order to have great skin, we need to be spending out on the ‘best’ (and, not coincidentally, the most expensive) products. These products promise flawless faces, they guarantee they’ll tighten and brighten, and they claim to get rid of even the most stubborn of wrinkles – but do they really work? That’s up for debate. However, what we do know is that it doesn’t need to cost an arm and a leg to give your skin a makeover. Saving money is definitely important to many of us nowadays – and there are lots of resources you can find online to help you organise your home budget and cut down on your spending. Then here are some inexpensive and easy ways to perk up dull, tired skin in no time:

Don’t Wash Too Often (Really!)

Many people believe that washing their face regularly will help keep their skin looking fresh, bright, and pimple-free, but the truth is that washing with too much frequency (and too harshly!) could have the opposite effect. When you wash your face, you’re stripping your skin of essential oils that are needed to keep the skin moisturised. By washing too much, the skin can become very dry, flaky, and itchy – and every time you itch, you’re transferring dirt from your fingers to your face. Dermatologists recommend washing just twice per day – once in the morning and once at night.

Don’t Buy Too Many Expensive Moisturisers

Designer moisturisers in the store can be very expensive, but there is a way to keep your skin soft and supple using inexpensive products that you may already have lying around the house. Studies have found that a mixture of honey, beeswax, and olive oil can work wonders on eczema, and can prevent the growth of the staph virus, which some of us are susceptible too, especially if we haven’t washed our foundation brushes for a long time! Olive oil is often thought to leave the face feeling greasy, but it’s actually a great, natural moisturiser.

Always Remove Makeup Before Bed

We’re all guilty of waking up some mornings with last night’s mascara all over the pillow, but how does this affect our skin? Makeup reduces the skin’s ability to breath, which can have adverse effects if cosmetics are left on for long periods. Studies into the effects have found that moisture levels in the skin can drop by 20 percent overnight, and that skin can age by a whopping 10 years over the course of just one month. To keep your skin looking bright, always remove makeup before going to bed – it takes just 5 minutes and a small amount of makeup remover.


Being stressed and tense can have a negative effect on your skin – and can even aggravate existing skin conditions. Take a few minutes each day to de-stress and relax – perhaps spend a few minutes doing yoga, stretching, or meditating.

Helping Your Home Budget

Sticking to a strict budget when you’re striving to keep yourself, your home, and your family clean and healthy can be challenging – there’s always something you need. However, you can really cut down on spending by opting for simpler, more natural ways to take care of yourself. Rather than paying out for the latest miracle creams, try these easy methods and see if you can give your skin a fantastic makeover, without the price tag!

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