
Friday, 10 July 2015

Honey Diet, The healthy diet.

We often go by the saying, “Health is wealth”. Do we really understand the significance of this saying?? Health is considered to the biggest wealth because every single thing of a person’s life is directly or indirectly related to his or her health. To accomplish anything in the life the first and foremost thing that we should think and care about is health. Being healthy is the greatest gift that a person can give to himself or herself.

In today’s rapidly moving world we are so busy in our day to day life that we don’t get time for ourselves. We eat unhealthy, we sleep less, we don’t work out and we keep increasing our weight. These are the few of the conman unhealthy habits that we are addicted to and this results to an unhealthy life. We try and try to the best of our ability to overcome these problems but unfortunately due to some reasons or the others we do not succeed. The biggest problem that we come across due to this habit is obesity. In simple terms we are obsessed with obesity and the saddest part is that we can’t help it.

To get rid of this we either go for a crash dieting or a balanced dieting. Crash dieting is where we go through a sudden down fall in the intake of the calories resulting in the use of the store body fats and thus reducing obesity. Balanced dieting is the one where we fix the intake amount of the calorie and regulate the intake and burning of the calories in a proportion thus resulting to lose excess fats and good health. In my views balanced healthy diet is more effective then the crash diet. The crash diet is not effective for a long period but the healthy balanced diet helps us to control and regulate the use and intake. The results of balanced healthy diet is good and is effective for a long period but the results obtains by the crash diet is not sustainable. 

After a lot of researches and inventions science found out that nature has all ready provided use with a remedy of this problem. It is not at all easy for us to change our habits but to connect the missing link for a better and healthier life nature has gifted us with honey. Yes you heard me right and I am not nuts. Honey is the best medicine if you say so which can easily help you get rid of so many undesired things from your life. It can help you with obesity, it also can be used in place of sugar and it does not harm our body as much as sugar does.
According to the doctors honey is the best medicine for obesity. We just need to follow few simple things and put them in our day to day habit and we are done. A spoon full of honey in a glass of Luke arm water and a lemon with it reduces the weight and helps us to get rid of obesity.

Although the biggest problem is that we don’t have the direct access to the honey but we need not to worry because Dabur a famous and well known name is in the business of providing the best quality of honey known to men. Dabur has taken the very first initiative to improve the health of the people and has introduced the “Honey Diet”. According to Dabur “Honey Diet” is a sweeter alternative for a better life. “Honey Diet” encourages people to use honey that helps our body all round. Honey could be used to get rid of obesity like I told, it also helps in regulating sugar, honey could be a better alternative for sugar and it can give a glowing smoothness to our skin.

Let’s put our hand together with Dabur and let’s take Honey Diet seriously so that we can improve our health because ultimately at the end of the day “Health id the real Wealth”. To know more about the Dabur’s “Honey Diet” initiative visit


  1. Honey is so good for you

  2. It sounds intereseting!:)


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