
Wednesday, 21 October 2015


We may have landed on moon and we have found out that Mars has a Gautam Budh statue on it but we never realize that we have been missing out something very important from our lives. That one thing that binds us and keeps us happy has been missing and I call it Togetherness. In my opinion togetherness is being with your family, friends and the loved once. Do we really do that anymore? Do we still share jokes with our siblings or ask mumma for a bed time story? No, I seriously don’t remember when was the last time I slept in my mummas lap or fought for the last piece of cake with my brother. How did we go wrong, and where?

Can we blame it on the rapidly evolving world?? The world which is getting techno savvy day by day has deprived us of our families, friends and loved ones be it our neighbors or society. We have indulged us in technology so much that our cell phones, laptops and tabs have become our social life. We have really forgot the real meaning of socializing which in olden days meant spending time with your friends, families and neighbors doing something or anything which involved lots of games both outdoor and indoor. Picnics and long trips were the best thing that used to happen. These were all in the past and today our social life starts on facebook, twitter and whatsapp and finishes there itself.

We need to act and act now. It is the high time now to understand what social life means. Someone has to come forward and take an initiative to change it and someone already has taken it. I am talking about none other than Kissan which has started an initiative known as kissanpur. According to kissan the real happiness lies in togetherness and thus they have started distributing tomato seeds to those who are interested in it and is also hosting a quest for the same. The person or a group of persons or a society which grows the most good quality and quantity of tomatoes will be rewarded. Check out their website for more information.

The real happiness actually lies in togetherness and we know that. We should restrict the technology to its place and should socialize and celebrate the togetherness. Life is not to be enjoyed alone or o be wasted on your phone. We should together understand and segment our time for our loved once. That is what makes us human.

If asked for me togetherness has its own meaning. I am a family guy and like to be with my family. I like to be on a trip with them say a picnic, or a wild safari or just go fishing, all I need is a place where I and my family is almost away from gadgets and we try to keep the used to a minimum level. Togetherness is definitely the best thing that can happen to anyone. I would love to be with my loved ones and celebrate the togetherness without indulging myself into any technical stuff.

I came across this beautiful video by Kissan which says welcome to kissanpur where an old man brings back the togetherness in a society member and brings them together planting tomatoes in the society. Please do watch it once at least. 

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